Creative Director. art director. Previz. Lighter. look development. Gaffer. DP.
conceived, designed, orchestrated on behalf of light field lab.
conceived, designed, orchestrated on behalf of light field lab.
Ryan McDougal | art direction. lighting. layout. props model & lookdev.
Ryan McDougal | art direction. lighting. layout. props model & lookdev.

performance capture
Our holographic character was realized in unreal,
driven in real-time for a live experience
by capturing an actor's facial performance.
an early version of a Tool created to assess our avatar's rigging & general performance.
Our holographic character was realized in unreal,
driven in real-time for a live experience
by capturing an actor's facial performance.
an early version of a Tool created to assess our avatar's rigging & general performance.
Practical & Virtual lighting Visualization

Holographic Planning.
size, position & Volume considerations.
size, position & Volume considerations.

head piece | design
Ryan McDougal | art direction. concept. lighting. materials. model refinement.
miguel Ortega/Tran | model
Ryan McDougal | art direction. concept. lighting. materials. model refinement.
miguel Ortega/Tran | model

head piece | fabrication & electronics

aztec | character design
Ryan McDougal | Lighting, Materials, texturing, Motion Capture Rigging.
Miguel Ortego et al | Model, Texture & Base Rigging
Ryan McDougal | Lighting, Materials, texturing, Motion Capture Rigging.
Miguel Ortego et al | Model, Texture & Base Rigging

aztec | lighting explorations
Ryan McDougal | lighting. layout.
Ryan McDougal | lighting. layout.

alter | design & modeling
Ryan McDougal | art direction. concept.
miguel Ortega/Tran | stone shrine design & model
Ryan McDougal | art direction. concept.
miguel Ortega/Tran | stone shrine design & model

alter | visualization.
Ryan McDougal | lookdev, lighting & layout.
Ryan McDougal | lookdev, lighting & layout.

alter | fabrication

holographic experience teaser

ceo : Jon Karafin
creative director : ryan mcdougal
Aztec Head | unreal Op, Facial Capture Lead & holographic software development : trevor berninger
Aztec Head | Modeling, Rigging & Texturing : Miguel ortega & tran Ma
Aztec Head | Look Dev, Materials, lighting : rYAN mCDOUGAL
Aztec Head | performance capture technical lead : rYAN mCDOUGAL
Aztec Head | actor : jeff barnes, Trevor berninger
aztec shrine | modeling & base texturing : Miguel ortega & tran Ma
Aztec Shrine | Look dev, materials, lighting, practical Prop Layout & build : ryan mcdougal
practical set lighting - artistic/technical : ryan mcdougal
practical seT lighting control/Install - technical/software dev : daniel holt
practical set dressing & final layout : ryan mcdougal
practical special effects : Josh Masci
aztec shrine | fabrication : daniel's wood land, Inc.
aztec head piece | fabrication & electronics : daniel's wood land, Inc.
work performed on behalf of light field lab
ceo : Jon Karafin
creative director : ryan mcdougal
Aztec Head | unreal Op, Facial Capture Lead & holographic software development : trevor berninger
Aztec Head | Modeling, Rigging & Texturing : Miguel ortega & tran Ma
Aztec Head | Look Dev, Materials, lighting : rYAN mCDOUGAL
Aztec Head | performance capture technical lead : rYAN mCDOUGAL
Aztec Head | actor : jeff barnes, Trevor berninger
aztec shrine | modeling & base texturing : Miguel ortega & tran Ma
Aztec Shrine | Look dev, materials, lighting, practical Prop Layout & build : ryan mcdougal
practical set lighting - artistic/technical : ryan mcdougal
practical seT lighting control/Install - technical/software dev : daniel holt
practical set dressing & final layout : ryan mcdougal
practical special effects : Josh Masci
aztec shrine | fabrication : daniel's wood land, Inc.
aztec head piece | fabrication & electronics : daniel's wood land, Inc.
work performed on behalf of light field lab